Angelic Buster

Angelic Buster

“She’s stuck with a gaudy new bracelet and a dragon-ghost who loves frilly dresses, but when life gives you superpowers, you might as well become the awesomest superhero of all time.”


So my brother got me into replaying Maple Story…

I’ve been trying out Angelic Buster for a while, and she’s pretty fun to play, to say the least (pew pew pew), but she can be pretty powerful if played right. No worrying about mana either, which is a good thing since I can’t seem to keep track of it well.

As for the drawing, perhaps the hardest thing was the cannon. Seriously, it took me a good solid hour to get the angle right, and even then it looks a bit iffy. The result isn’t too bad, though, and everything else was easy enough (if a bit on the busy side).

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